5 Car Care Summer Tips
Summer is here! The warmer months are a great challenge for your car and car maintenance, the tips below will help you have a summer you can enjoy.
Tip #1: Oil and oil filter
Your oil keeps your engine parts lubricated while the filter captures harmful debris, dirt, and metal fragments. It means more material gets picked up. Cleaner oil means a healthier, happier engine!
Tip #2 Coolant System
Keeping cool is important, not just for ourselves but also for our cars. Moreover, checking the level of coolant fluid in your car lets you go the extra mile and inspect the state of the hoses and the coolant reservoir. Also, squeeze the hoses to make sure they feel firm and not excessively squishy or soft.
Tip #3: Tire pressure
Between hitting hidden potholes and dealing with difficult road conditions, your tires require a good check-up. In fact, tires lose or gain pressure depending on the outside temperature. In the winter season, for instance, a tire will typically lose one or two pounds of air per month. Make sure your tires are accurately inflated before hitting the road for a big summer road trip because tires with low air pressure tend to wear out much more quickly.
Tip #4 Engine Belts
There is usually a serpentine belt that runs between the alternator, the fan, and several other components. It can deteriorate, become loose, start to squeal, and sometimes just break for no apparent reason. It needs to be in good condition and at the right amount of tension. If you see cracks in the belt or small pieces missing, it’s time to replace the belt.
Tip #5 Air Filter
The winter’s decomposing leaves may be clogging up drainage points, windshield-washer nozzles or your car’s air filter. Now might be a good time to buy a new one or take the current one out and give it a cleaning. Many modern cars also have pollen filters or cabin filtration systems, so take a look at those, too. Sometimes these cabin filters are easy to change yourself. Like everything else mentioned here: when in doubt, consult a qualified technician.
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