Top 5 reasons to perform regular maintenance
Nobody likes to spend money unless they feel it is absolutely necessary. So here is the question, “Is it necessary to perform all the required maintenance to your new vehicle?” My answer would be, “yes”.
Firstly, it is always a good idea to have someone with a trained eye look over your vehicle as often as possible. A good mechanic can spot impending problems with your car without even touching it. Bald, belt shifted, bulged or under inflated tires, torn windshield wiper blades, inoperative brake or signal lights. These are all serious safety concerns that can be spotted within the first ten minutes of your visit to your local garage.
Secondly, the mechanical components of your vehicle were not designed to operate forever. Changing the lubricating fluid of all moving components regularly will ensure you get the maximum amount of life from the component. Also with regular inspection, the mechanic can give you fair warning as to when a component is coming to the end of its service, and recommend replacement at a convenient time.
Mechanical reliability is another reason to keep your vehicle well maintained. Today’s automobile is a very complex piece of machinery with very fine tolerances. Dirty or contaminated engine oil coming into contact with an engine management sensor could result in an unexpected break down, and repair that will be more expensive than the oil change that would have prevented it.
One of the biggest considerations people have when deciding what vehicle to buy is fuel economy. Well, that too will vanish if your vehicle is not properly maintained. Most vehicles today use “energy conserving” oils. These are oils that are less dense and flow without much resistance. The trade off is that they offer less protection in extreme low or high temperatures.
Lastly, the regular maintenance of your vehicle will be beneficial when it comes time to sell it. A well maintained vehicle with documented proof of maintenance services will command a much higher selling price as compared to one that has not been regularly maintained.
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