Tips to reduce fuel costs and consumption
In the past year we have witnessed record high prices for fuel. In 2014 I paid as much as a $1.40 per litre at the pump. In this blogger’s humble opinion, that is just insane. I think now is a good time to review the best ways to improve your gas mileage and save money at the pump.
Purchase a fuel efficient car. Now, I am not suggesting you sell your perfectly good (and paid-off) car for another but, when you are ready for a new vehicle, keep fuel efficiency in mind.
Keep your vehicle well maintained. An out of tune car will consume more gas than one that has just been tuned up. A dirty air filter alone can reduce fuel economy as much as 12 per cent.
Be wary of fuel saving-products. My research has shown that most of them do not work. And in the few cases where they do work, the improvement is so minimal, it is not worth the effort.
Find the best prices for gas. Wholesale or discount chains offer gas at reduced prices. Even service stations offer incentives like 3 or 5cents off per litre. Take advantage of it.
Alter and optimize your travel. Try not to travel in peak traffic times, and do as many chores as you can in one trip. This will greatly improve your gas mileage (as well as your mental state).
Buy gas during the coolest time of the day. During these times, gasoline is densest. Since pumps measure volume and not density, you will actually get more for your money.
Use your cruise control as often as possible. It helps to keep your car at a constant speed, therefore reducing your gas use.
Lastly and most importantly if fuel economy or its impact on global warming is a hot topic for you, drive less. Opt for carpooling, bicycling, using public transportation because obviously, the less you drive, the less you will spend on gas.
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