Tips for safe motorcycling
Riding a motorcycle is a great recreational past time. Motorcycling is also a great way to cut fuel consumption, avoid heavy congestion or lack of available parking issues. Many owners enjoy performing basic maintenance on their motorcycle.
Before you perform any maintenance or repairs on your motorcycle, invest in a shop manual. Following the manufacturer’s procedures, service recommendations and torque specifications is paramount to keeping your motorcycle in top shape. If you are not comfortable performing any services, don’t hesitate to give that particular contract to a service professional. If you decide to service your own motorcycle, the tools under the seat will not suffice. Go out and buy quality hand tools.
To make sure your motorcycle runs well and operates safely always follow the recommended maintenance schedule. Every bike will have different maintenance schedules, however general rules will apply to all bikes. Be sure take in to consideration your riding conditions, and habits. Always check you lights and tires before any ride. Check your chain tension and lubrication once a month. Check your control cables for every two months, lubricate and adjust as necessary. Change your oil as required by the manufacturer. Check your air filter and brake fluid condition at the same time. Inspect you fork oil every 5 months.
Add fuel stabilizer to fuel or drain the gas tank prior to winter storage. It is always a good idea to remove the spark plugs and put a teaspoon of engine oil in the cylinders. And be sure to change your engine at the start of the riding season.
While some motorcycles are notorious for oil leaks, it does not mean they are ok. Have all oil leaks checked and repaired, they are a fire hazard and could produce serious traction issues if the oil is allowed to leak on to your tires. Lastly if you do decide to use the service of a professional Mechanic, ensure that he/she is familiar with your brand of motorcycle. A Harley mechanic is not the same as a Suzuki mechanic.
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